Civil Unrest
Cameroon Anglophone crisis

Cameroon has been struggling with increasingly violent crisis between the country’s two linguistic communities. Despite the current conflict only being active since 2016, the roots of the conflict go back to decisions made by the country’s linguistic communities and the international community, both leading up to independence and immediately afterward. The aftermath of World War I resulted in Germany Cameroon’s original colonial ruler, losing its possession, and the League of Nations splitting the colony and giving mandates to both France and the United Kingdom. Each new ruler proceeded, during the mandate period, to pursue integrating their possession into their colonial holdings; thus, the legal and educational systems were separated and, most importantly, as a cultural signifier, Cameroon became split along linguistic lines

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The Coronavirus Travel & Business Interruption Risks

On January 30, as widely expected, the World Health Organization (WHO) declared the China novel coronavirus (2019-nCoV) outbreak as a global emergency as the virus quickly spared throughout China and beyond. Authorities are reasonably sure that the coronavirus originated in the city of Wuhan, the capital of Hubei province and has since spread to multiple countries via person-to-person contact. As of January 30, 2020, there have been over 9800 cases in China, 213 of which resulted in death, and more than 100 cases were reported in 24 other countries around the globe.

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Beirut port explosion will fail to make political changes

The massive industrial explosion at the port of Beirut, which resulted in the deaths of over 150 people (and counting) injured some 5000 others and destroyed the port and surrounding neighborhoods, is likely to result in a new wave of demonstrations in the coming weeks aimed at the already unpopular government and likely the Hizbollah organization.

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