ThreatRate Reports December 2018
Macron's Cybersecurity Pact
Cybersecurity – to most who follow the news or are in any sensitive industry – is acknowledged as a significant issue for private organizations, individuals, and states. There are significant concerns about state actors working with affiliated hacking or cyberespionage organizations to either attack other nations, the critical infrastructure of other states – numerous states in the former Warsaw Pact and the Soviet Union have experienced attacks against infrastructure in recent years – or to act on behalf of local companies – sometimes state-owned – and engage in corporate espionage to steal intellectual property (IP) or other research and development materials. On the public side, nations seek to keep confidential material as such and to protect the integrity of public institutions; many democratic societies – notably the United States – are extremely concerned about the integrity of democratic processes as allegations surface against other countries engaging in social media activity to sow dissension; moreover, concerns exist about the integrity of elections themselves as cybersecurity research efforts detail the credible security gaps in election infrastructure.